Gone Girl, The Theory of Everything, The Imitation Games, American Sniper...
Over the extended weekend I had the opportunity to see all these classics some of which are nominated to the Oscars and are agog on the festival circuit. Each one of them have been heavily talked and discussed. I will therefore restrict my comments more to the sub textual part of it. Each one of them are different genre and each one treats the subject differently. Gone Girl is a classic David Fincher film. It sets the tone from the onset and you are left to wonder till the very end as to how the film builds up. Rosamund Pike is classic and so are Ben Stiller and others in the film. But why the film is must see, Fincher's classic adaptation into a film format from the book with the same name. Scene after scene builds up as like showcasing an unhappy marriage being illustrated to viewers along with a scheming husband and a very preposterous relationship that meets it's true fate and then suddenly the whole thing takes a U turn, where the scene after scene builds up an a...